How to Open a Stored Procedure in Sql Developer

How to Debug a Stored Procedure in Oracle Database

This example demonstrates how to debug an Oracle stored procedure using PL/SQL Debugger for Oracle built into dbForge Studio for Oracle. It also illustrates different debugging techniques such as setting breakpoints, viewing data items, and so on. In this topic, sample database objects are created with the help of dbForge Studio for Oracle. In our example, we use a SCHEDULE_DETAIL test table and a SCHEDULE test database.

For the demo, we will do the following:

  • create a stored procedure
  • execute a stored procedure
  • compile the procedure
  • debug a procedure

Creating a stored procedure

To create the FillSchedule procedure, do the following:

  1. In Database Explorer, right-click the Procedures folder and click New Procedure on the shortcut menu.
  2. In the document that opens, copy, and paste the following script.

                                      CREATE                  OR                  REPLACE                  PROCEDURE                  SCHEDULE                  .                  FILLSCHEDULE                  (                  DATE_FROM                  IN                  DATE                  ,                  DATE_TO                  IN                  DATE                  ,                  SCHEDULE_ID                  IN                  INT                  )                  AS                  TEMPLATE_COUNT                  SMALLINT                  ;                  TEMPLATE_ID                  INT                  ;                  DAY_COUNT                  INT                  ;                  TYPE                  REC_TYPE                  IS                  RECORD                  (                  DATE_OUT                  DATE                  ,                  DAY_ORDER                  SMALLINT                  ,                  TIME_SHEET_DATE                  DATE                  );                  TYPE                  ENUM_TYPE                  IS                  TABLE                  OF                  REC_TYPE                  ;                  DAY_ENUM                  ENUM_TYPE                  ;                  DAY_ENUM2                  REC_TYPE1                  ;                  BEGIN                  DAY_ENUM2                  :                  =                  REC_TYPE1                  (                  DATE_FROM                  ,                  NULL                  ,                  SYSDATE                  );                  DAY_ENUM2                  .                  ADMIT                  (                  1                  );                  INSERT                  INTO                  SCHEDULE                  .                  WORK                  (                  DATE_OUT                  ,                  DAY_ORDER                  ,                  TIME_SHEET_DATE                  )                  VALUES                  (                  DAY_ENUM2                  .                  DATE_OUT                  -- DATE_OUT - DATE                  ,                  DAY_ENUM2                  .                  DAY_ORDER                  -- DAY_ORDER - NUMBER(*, 0)                  ,                  DAY_ENUM2                  .                  TIME_SHEET_DATE                  -- TIME_SHEET_DATE - DATE                  );                  SELECT                  COUNT                  (                  *                  ),                  MAX                  (                  S                  .                  TEMPLATEID                  )                  INTO                  TEMPLATE_COUNT                  ,                  TEMPLATE_ID                  FROM                  SCHEDULE                  .                  SCHEDULE                  S                  JOIN                  SCHEDULE                  .                  SCHEDULE_TEMPLATE_DETAIL                  STD                  ON                  S                  .                  TEMPLATEID                  =                  STD                  .                  TEMPLATEID                  WHERE                  S                  .                  SCHEDULEID                  =                  SCHEDULE_ID                  ;                  --	IF (TEMPLATE_ID IS NULL) THEN                  --		RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'TEMPLATE_ID IS NULL' );                  --	END IF;                                    SELECT                  DATE_OUT                  ,                  DAY_ORDER                  ,                  GETFIRSTDAYOFMONTH                  (                  DATE_OUT                  )                  BULK                  COLLECT                  INTO                  DAY_ENUM                  FROM                  (                  SELECT                  DATE_FROM                  -                  1                  +                  ROWNUM                  AS                  DATE_OUT                  ,                  NVL                  (                  NULLIF                  (                  MOD                  (                  ROWNUM                  ,                  TEMPLATE_COUNT                  ),                  0                  ),                  TEMPLATE_COUNT                  )                  AS                  DAY_ORDER                  FROM                  ALL_OBJECTS                  WHERE                  ROWNUM                  <=                  DATE_TO                  -                  DATE_FROM                  +                  1                  )                  T                  ;                  DAY_COUNT                  :                  =                  DAY_ENUM                  .                  COUNT                  ;                  --	IF (DAY_COUNT = 0) THEN                  --		RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'ENUM IS EMPTY' );                  --	END IF;                  DELETE                  FROM                  SCHEDULE                  .                  SCHEDULE_DETAIL                  WHERE                  SCHEDULEID                  =                  SCHEDULE_ID                  AND                  DATEOUT                  BETWEEN                  DATE_FROM                  AND                  DATE_TO                  ;                  FOR                  I                  IN                  DAY_ENUM                  .                  FIRST                  ..                  DAY_ENUM                  .                  LAST                  LOOP                  INSERT                  INTO                  SCHEDULE                  .                  SCHEDULE_DETAIL                  (                  TIMESHEETDATE                  ,                  DATEOUT                  ,                  SCHEDULEID                  ,                  ABSENCECODE                  ,                  WORKSHIFTCD                  )                  SELECT                  DAY_ENUM                  (                  I                  ).                  TIME_SHEET_DATE                  ,                  DAY_ENUM                  (                  I                  ).                  DATE_OUT                  ,                  SCHEDULE_ID                  ,                  STD                  .                  ABSENCECODE                  ,                  STD                  .                  WORKSHIFTCD                  FROM                  SCHEDULE                  .                  SCHEDULE_TEMPLATE_DETAIL                  STD                  WHERE                  STD                  .                  TEMPLATEID                  =                  TEMPLATE_ID                  AND                  STD                  .                  DAYORDER                  =                  DAY_ENUM                  (                  I                  ).                  DAY_ORDER                  ;                  DBMS_OUTPUT                  .                  PUT_LINE                  (                  DAY_ENUM                  (                  I                  ).                  TIME_SHEET_DATE                  ||                  ',  '                  ||                  DAY_ENUM                  (                  I                  ).                  DATE_OUT                  ||                  ',  '                  ||                  DAY_ENUM                  (                  I                  ).                  DAY_ORDER                  );                  END                  LOOP                  ;                  END                  ;                  /                              
  3. To save the changes, click Apply Changes or press Shift + Alt + A.

The procedure has two input parameters: DateFrom and DateTo. Based on these input parameters the table is populated with test data.

Assume that we need to get Time Sheet for a specific time period. For this, we need to execute the procedure.

Executing a stored procedure

To debug a stored procedure, it should be executable.

To execute the FillSchedule procedure, do the following:

  1. In Database Explorer, choose your test database and double-click the Procedures folder to open it.
  2. Right-click the FillSchedule procedure and click Execute on the shortcut menu.
  3. In the Edit Parameters:<procedure_name> dialog box, enter input parameters.

    Edit Parameters dialog

    The pop-up window informing about the successful completion and the execution time appears.

  4. To complete the process, click Ok.

Compiling a stored procedure

Prior to debugging, you should compile the stored procedure for debugging. Otherwise, dbForge Studio for Oracle prompts you to compile it.

To compile the stored procedure for debugging, do the following:

  1. In Database Explorer, right-click the procedure you want to compile, click Compile, and then select one of the following options on the shortcut menu:

    • Compile for Debugging: Loads debugging information for the selected object.
    • Compile References for Debugging: Loads debugging information for the objects that are linked to the selected object.
    • Compile Dependants for Debugging: Loads debugging information for the objects on which the selected object is dependent.
  2. In the compiling window that opens, the object you want to compile is selected by default. Click Compile, and then Close.

Debugging a stored procedure

To start debugging the stored procedure, do the following:

  1. On the Debug toolbar, click Start debugging icon Start Debugging or press Ctrl + F5.

    Debug toolbar


    If you have not compiled the procedure, the dbForge Studio prompts you to compile it. In the pop-up window that opens, click Yes. In the Edit Parameters:<procedure_name> dialog box, specify the input parameters once again and click OK.

    You can see that the yellow arrow identifies the stack frame where the execution pointer is currently located.

    The Watches pane displays information about variables, their value, and type.

    The Call Stack pane displays the line of the code where Oracle PL/SQL Debugger is currently located.

    Stored procedure debugging

  2. To set a breakpoint, use one of the following options:

    • On the Debug toolbar, click Breakpoints icon Breakpoints
    • Right-click a line of executable code where you want to set a breakpoint and click Insert Breakpoint on the shortcut menu. For more information about how to manage breakpoints, see Working with Breakpoints.
    • Press Ctrl + D, B
  3. To stop the debugging process, click Stop debugging icon Stop Debugging on the Debug toolbar or press Shift + F5.
  4. To proceed with debugging, click Continue icon Continue or press Ctrl + F5.

Tips & Tricks

In the Debug layout mode, you can use the following options:

After the debugging of the stored procedure has stopped, you can execute it. For this, on the Standard toolbar, click Execute. In the pop-up window informing that the stored procedure has been executed successfully, click Ok.

To verify this, you can retrieve the data from the table. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. In Database Explorer, choose the database from which you want to retrieve the data.
  2. Double-click the Tables folder, right-click the table you need and click Retrieve Data on the shortcut menu.
  3. In the document that opens, you can view the retrieved data on the results grid.

    Results grid

How to Open a Stored Procedure in Sql Developer


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