John E Hopcroft Chapter 3 Solutions

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  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Solutions to Selected Exercises

    Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation

    Solutions to Selected ExercisesSolutions for Chapter 2

    Solutions for Chapter 3

    Solutions for Chapter 4

    Solutions for Chapter 5

    Solutions for Chapter 6

    Solutions for Chapter 7

    Solutions for Chapter 8

    Solutions for Chapter 9

    Solutions for Chapter 10

    Solutions for Chapter 11 [8/31/2003 4:45:33 PM]

  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Solutions for Chapter 2

    Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation

    Solutions for Chapter 2Solutions for Section 2.2

    Solutions for Section 2.3

    Solutions for Section 2.4

    Solutions for Section 2.5

    Revised 9/6/01.

    Solutions for Section 2.2Exercise 2.2.1(a)States correspond to the eight combinations of switch positions, and also must indicate whether the previous roll came out at D, i.e., whether the previous input was accepted. Let 0 represent a position to the left (as in the diagram) and 1 a position to the right. Each state can be represented by a sequence of three 0's or 1's, representing the directions of the three switches, in order from left to right. We follow these three bits by either a indicating it is an accepting state or r, indicating rejection. Of the 16 possible states, it turns out that only 13 are accessible from the initial state, 000r. Here is the transition table:

    A B->000r 100r 011r*000a 100r 011r*001a 101r 000a

    010r 110r 001a*010a 110r 001a

    011r 111r 010a100r 010r 111r (1 of 7) [8/31/2003 4:45:44 PM]

  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Solutions for Chapter 2

    *100a 010r 111r101r 011r 100a

    *101a 011r 100a110r 000a 101a

    *110a 000a 101a111r 001a 110a

    Exercise 2.2.2

    In what follows, we use dhat for ``delta-hat.'' The statement to be proved is dhat(q,xy) = dhat(dhat(q,x),y), and we proceed by induction on the length of y.

    Basis: If y = epsilon, then the statement is dhat(q,x) = dhat(dhat(q,x),epsilon). This statement follows from the basis in the definition of dhat. Note that in applying this definition, we must treat dhat(q,x) as if it were just a state, say p. Then, the statement to be proved is p = dhat(p,epsilon), which is easy to recognize as the basis in the definition of dhat.

    Induction: Assume the statement for strings shorter than y, and break y = za, where a is the last symbol of y. The steps converting dhat(dhat(q,x),y) to dhat(q,xy) are summarized in the following table:

    Expression Reasondhat(dhat(q,x),y) Startdhat(dhat(q,x),za) y=za by assumptiondelta(dhat(dhat(q,x),z),a) Definition of dhat, treating dhat(q,x) as a statedelta(dhat(q,xz),a) Inductive hypothesisdhat(q,xza) Definition of dhatdhat(q,xy) y=za

    Exercise 2.2.4(a)The intuitive meanings of states A, B, and C are that the string seen so far ends in 0, 1, or at least 2 zeros.

    0 1->A B A

    B C A (2 of 7) [8/31/2003 4:45:44 PM]

  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Solutions for Chapter 2

    *C C A

    Exercise 2.2.6(a)The trick is to realize that reading another bit either multiplies the number seen so far by 2 (if it is a 0), or multiplies by 2 and then adds 1 (if it is a 1). We don't need to remember the entire number seen --- just its remainder when divided by 5. That is, if we have any number of the form 5a+b, where b is the remainder, between 0 and 4, then 2(5a+b) = 10a+2b. Since 10a is surely divisible by 5, the remainder of 10a+2b is the same as the remainder of 2b when divided by 5. Since b, is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, we can tabulate the answers easily. The same idea holds if we want to consider what happens to 5a+b if we multiply by 2 and add 1.

    The table below shows this automaton. State qi means that the input seen so far has remainder i when divided by 5.

    0 1->*q0 q0 q1

    q1 q2 q3q2 q4 q0q3 q1 q2q4 q3 q4

    There is a small matter, however, that this automaton accepts strings with leading 0's. Since the problem calls for accepting only those strings that begin with 1, we need an additional state s, the start state, and an additional ``dead state'' d. If, in state s, we see a 1 first, we act like q0; i.e., we go to state q1. However, if the first input is 0, we should never accept, so we go to state d, which we never leave. The complete automaton is:

    0 1->s d q1*q0 q0 q1

    q1 q2 q3q2 q4 q0q3 q1 q2q4 q3 q4 (3 of 7) [8/31/2003 4:45:44 PM]

  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Solutions for Chapter 2

    d d d

    Exercise 2.2.9

    Part (a) is an easy induction on the length of w, starting at length 1.

    Basis: |w| = 1. Then dhat(q_0,w) = dhat(q_f,w), because w is a single symbol, and dhat agrees with delta on single symbols.

    Induction: Let w = za, so the inductive hypothesis applies to z. Then dhat(q_0,w) = dhat(q_0,za) = delta(dhat(q_0,z),a) = delta(dhat(q_f,z),a) [by the inductive hypothesis] = dhat(q_f,za) = dhat(q_f,w).

    For part (b), we know that dhat(q_0,x) = q_f. Since xepsilon, we know by part (a) that dhat(q_f,x) = q_f. It is then a simple induction on k to show that dhat(q_0,x^k) = q_f.

    Basis: For k=1 the statement is given.

    Induction: Assume the statement for k-1; i.e., dhat(q_0,x^{k-1}) = q_f. Using Exercise 2.2.2, dhat(q_0,x^k) = dhat(dhat(q_0,x^{k-1}),x) = dhat(q_f,x) [by the inductive hypothesis] = q_f [by (a)].

    Exercise 2.2.10

    The automaton tells whether the number of 1's seen is even (state A) or odd (state B), accepting in the latter case. It is an easy induction on |w| to show that dh(A,w) = A if and only if w has an even number of 1's.

    Basis: |w| = 0. Then w, the empty string surely has an even number of 1's, namely zero 1's, and dhat(A,w) = A.

    Induction: Assume the statement for strings shorter than w. Then w = za, where a is either 0 or 1.

    Case 1: a = 0. If w has an even number of 1's, so does z. By the inductive hypothesis, dhat(A,z) = A. The transitions of the DFA tell us dhat(A,w) = A. If w has an odd number of 1's, then so does z. By the inductive hypothesis, dhat(A,z) = B, and the transitions of the DFA tell us dhat(A,w) = B. Thus, in this case, dhat(A,w) = A if and only if w has an even number of 1's.

    Case 2: a = 1. If w has an even number of 1's, then z has an odd number of 1's. By the inductive hypothesis, dhat(A,z) = B. The transitions of the DFA tell us dhat(A,w) = A. If w has an odd number of 1's, then z has an even number of 1's. By the inductive hypothesis, dhat(A,z) = A, and the transitions of the DFA tell us dhat(A,w) = B. Thus, in this case as well, dhat(A,w) = A if and only if w has an even (4 of 7) [8/31/2003 4:45:44 PM]

  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Solutions for Chapter 2

    number of 1's.

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    Solutions for Section 2.3Exercise 2.3.1

    Here are the sets of NFA states represented by each of the DFA states A through H: A = {p}; B = {p,q}; C = {p,r}; D = {p,q,r}; E = {p,q,s}; F = {p,q,r,s}; G = {p,r,s}; H = {p,s}.

    0 1->A B A

    B D CC E AD F C

    *E F G*F F G*G E H*H E H

    Exercise 2.3.4(a)The idea is to use a state qi, for i = 0,1,...,9 to represent the idea that we have seen an input i and guessed that this is the repeated digit at the end. We also have state qs, the initial state, and qf, the final state. We stay in state qs all the time; it represents no guess having been made. The transition table:

    0 1 ... 9->qs {qs,q0} {qs,q1} ... {qs,q9}

    q0 {qf} {q0} ... {q0}q1 {q1} {qf} ... {q1}... ... ... ... ...

    q9 {q9} {q9} ... {qf}*qf {} {} ... {}

    Return to Top (5 of 7) [8/31/2003 4:45:44 PM]

  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Solutions for Chapter 2

    Solutions for Section 2.4Exercise 2.4.1(a)We'll use q0 as the start state. q1, q2, and q3 will recognize abc; q4, q5, and q6 will recognize abd, and q7 through q10 will recognize aacd. The transition table is:

    a b c d->q0 {q0,q1,q4,q7} {q0} {q0} {q0}

    q1 {} {q2} {} {}q2 {} {} {q3} {}

    *q3 {} {} {} {}q4 {} {q5} {} {}q5 {} {} {} {q6}

    *q6 {} {} {} {}q7 {q8} {} {} {}q8 {} {} {q9} {}q9 {} {} {} {q10}

    *q10 {} {} {} {}

    Exercise 2.4.2(a)The subset construction gives us the following states, each representing the subset of the NFA states indicated: A = {q0}; B = {q0,q1,q4,q7}; C = {q0,q1,q4,q7,q8}; D = {q0,q2,q5}; E = {q0,q9}; F = {q0,q3}; G = {q0,q6}; H = {q0,q10}. Note that F, G and H can be combined into one accepting state, or we can use these three state to signal the recognition of abc, abd, and aacd, respectively.

    a b c d->A B A A A

    B C D A AC C D E AD B A F GE B A A H

    *F B A A A (6 of 7) [8/31/2003 4:45:44 PM]

  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation: Solutions for Chapter 2

    *G B A A A*H B A A A

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    Solutions for Section 2.5Exercise 2.5.1

    For part (a): the closure of p is just {p}; for q it is {p,q}, and for r it is {p,q,r}.

    For (b), begin by noticing that a always leaves the state unchanged. Thus, we can think of the effect of strings of b's and c's only. To begin, notice that the only ways to get from p to r for the first time, using only b, c, and epsil

John E Hopcroft Chapter 3 Solutions


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